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Alexey Omen @ Dolce Amaro @ Dolce Amaro, 10 February 2012  18 photos
DVJ KARIMOV @ Museum г. Киев, 4 February 2012  26 photos
Танцпол 90-х. Part II @ Storm, 4 February 2012  27 photos
Disco Бабушка @ Neon, 3 February 2012  53 photos
СOLOR PARTY @ Funky Банки, 3 February 2012  66 photos
FARSCAPE @ Клуб Наутилус, 28 January 2012  34 photos
Guest Set @ Funky Банки @ Funky Банки, 28 January 2012  89 photos
Burzhuy @ Rest, 28 January 2012  19 photos
Alex Mad, Belarus Tour @ CUBA @ CUBA, 28 January 2012  63 photos
Musique Architechture @ dontpanic club @ Dont Panic, 27 January 2012  28 photos
27-01-12 Night Of Emotion @ Funky Банки @ Funky Банки, 27 January 2012  48 photos
День Студента @ Mandala Hall, 25 January 2012  86 photos
Burzhuy @ Хорошо, 21 January 2012  28 photos
THE LOOP! @ Becker bar, 21 January 2012  14 photos, found themselves: 2
Guest Set @ Funky Банки @ Funky Банки, 20 January 2012  160 photos
MaxiGroove [Andrew S.mile & Nick Fera] --> Live @ TBA Ярославль, 14 January 2012  17 photos
Guest set! DJ Smile @ Metro @ Metro, 13 January 2012  47 photos