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Doggy style @ ICON, 18 March 2017  20 photos
ТЕМНИКОВА @ ICON, 17 March 2017  19 photos
Fantome De Louvre @ ICON, 11 March 2017  22 photos
БАЛАНС @ < Б У Н К Е Р >, 25 February 2017  11 photos
ГРАДУСЫ @ ICON, 24 February 2017  21 photos
BIANKA @ ICON, 23 February 2017  14 photos, found themselves: 2
The Sound Of Vinyl @ Factory, 22 February 2017  19 photos
Romeo & Juliet @ ICON, 18 February 2017  15 photos
ARTIK & ASTI @ ICON, 17 February 2017  25 photos
Пижама party @ ICON, 11 February 2017  22 photos
Trancemission Renaissance @ Space Moscow, 11 February 2017  10 photos
Dirty hotel @ ICON, 4 February 2017  16 photos, found themselves: 3
Generation ICON @ ICON, 3 February 2017  26 photos
Master-Class by Владимир Макаренко (TSF) @ "Action DJ Academy", 29 January 2017  45 photos
Голая правда @ ICON, 28 January 2017  18 photos
Generation ICON @ ICON, 27 January 2017  17 photos
CRAZY CARNIVAL @ ICON, 21 January 2017  17 photos
Б У Н К Е Р @ < Б У Н К Е Р >, 21 January 2017  12 photos