Comedy Rap

Comedy hip-hop is a sub genre of hip-hop created for entertaining and fun.

Birth: 1984 Bloom: 1988

Quite often comedy pap contains of comical rhymes, but music can be intellectual and funny at the same time. Its heyday was in the 80s when hip-hop was lighter than in the 90s or 00s. At that time there were several extremely popular rap parodies like «Chunky A» by Arsenio Hall.

Since the early 80s and until now, new bright names still appear in the comedy rap style. First it was Beastie Boys, then Hopsin, OFWGKTA, and Lonely Island. In the 00s Eminem has been gaining popularity by working in this style. And after some years the comic and showmen «Weird Al» Yankovic reached leading positions in American charts. In spite of his clownish appearance, he sings about serious problems like racism and social inequality.

Also read: Alternative Rap, British Rap

Umbrellate style: Hip-hop/Rap

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Comedy Rap mixes

180 52:43 3 60 PR 6 ▲
Comedy Rap
Comedy Rap mixes →

Comedy Rap tracks and remixes

137 0:54   103 PR 2,6 ▲
Comedy Rap, Abstract Hip-Hop
110 0:29   85 PR 2,1 ▲
Comedy Rap, Dirty Rap
131 1:40   81 PR 2 ▲
Comedy Rap

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← British Rap