
Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is a genre of popular music. The main characteristic features include simplicity, melody, vocals and rhythms with small attention to instrumental part. The main and almost sole composition form of pop music is a song form.

Birth: 1955 Bloom: 1995

Musicologists often identify the following characteristics as typical of the pop music genre.

The main medium of pop music is the song, often between two and a half and three and a half minutes in length, generally marked by a consistent and noticeable rhythmic element, a mainstream style and a simple traditional structure. Common variants include the verse-chorus form and the thirty-two-bar form, with a focus on melodies and catchy hooks, and a chorus that contrasts melodically, rhythmically and harmonically with the verse. The beat and the melodies tend to be simple, with limited harmonic accompaniment.

The lyrics of modern pop songs typically focus on simple themes – often love and romantic relationships, sadness, happiness. What is also important is a visualization of songs: performances and videos. That`s why a number of pop artists have extravagant appearance. Pop groups are usually consist not only of pop singer, but also dancers, and even stage crew who don`t take a part in performances but they play a key role during concerts.

Pop music is conservative in spite of the long saturated history. It has a tendency to reflect a contemporary musical situation. That`s why pop music is oriented to abstract average audience.

Among the most famous pop artists of all time attention should be paid to Abba, Boney M, Madonna, George Michael, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Robby Williams, Cher, Shade, Sting, Whitney Houston, Kylie Minogue, and many others

Also read: Hip-hop/Rap, R&B, Synth-Pop, Club House, Pop Rap, Disco, Soul

Deriative styles: Acoustic, Dance Pop, Eurodance, Latin Pop, Pop Rock, Russian Pop, Teen Pop

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Pop producers

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Pop mixes

7 843 61:19 6 1 796 PR 53,5 ▲
Pop, Deep House
5 208 62:51 3 1 364 PR 44,1 ▲
Pop, Deep House
3 488 110:43 1 1 155 PR 40,3 ▲
Pop, Dance Pop
Pop mixes →

Pop tracks and remixes

39 076 2:34 76 2 773 PR 122 ▲
Pop, Dance Pop
11 695 3:16 18 3 092 PR 107 ▲
Pop, Club House
1 280 3:11 2 1 871 PR 95,2 ▲
Pop, Club House

Acoustic →

← Moombahsoul